Jan 2025

University of Helsinki, Finland
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 2012-2016
Founded in 1640, the University of Helsinki is Finland’s oldest and largest
university. It's known for its high-quality research and education,
consistently ranking among the top global universities.
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Electrical Engineering, 2007-2012, 207 ECTS, didn't graduate
Specialization in Electronics and Automation.
Professional Experience
Once, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developer, Jun 2020 - present
Working on a realtime acyclic graph database project.
- Tech: C, Zig, TypeScript, Intel VTune
RELEX Solutions, Venice, Italy
Developer, Sep 2019 - May 2020
Scaling out RELEX Plan horizontally. RELEX Plan helps retailers to optimize
their supply chain.
- Tech: Kubernetes, Docker, Java, Scala, Clojure, JRuby, and JavaScript.
ZEIT, San Francisco, USA
Developer, Head of Security, DevOps, Jun 2016 - Sep 2019
Now Vercel. I worked in a team building the backend of a multi-DC, multi-cloud
serverless cloud deployment platform. I worked on everything from the
customer deployment platform, to X.509 certificates, to the DNS
API, and to platform security. I also helped to push new Internet Drafts
(I-D) in the IETF to codify some of the most important parts of the DNS
solution used by ZEIT at the time.
- Tech: TypeScript, JavaScript, C, COBOL
LM Ericsson, Jorvas, Finland
Developer, March 2014 - Jun 2016
Developing new features and fixing bugs for an IP routing stack called
Ericsson IP Operating System, as well as porting it to new platforms such as
SGSN-MME. The software was designed to support multiple POSIX-compliant host
operating systems, and it was written in C89/C99 using a custom BSD-style API
wrapper to the system services.
- Tech: GCC, GNU Make, Linux
- Internet protocols: MPLS, VRRP, DHCP, VLAN
- Related products: Router 6000 series, SSR 8000 family, SGSN-MME
Arbitron Mobile Oy, Espoo, Finland
Junior System Admin, May 2013 - Jan 2014
Formerly Zokem Oy and now Nielsen. I was mainly working with the
server infrastructure, improving server deployment automation,
and hardening server security. I was also managing the LDAP and
Kerberos system that was deployed globally for controlling access
to the production servers. I designed an asymmetrically encrypted
audit log system for all production access.
- Tech: Linux, Bash, OpenLDAP, MIT Kerberos
Ninjaware Oy, Helsinki, Finland
Member of the Board,
Director of Bitwise Operations, June 2011 - Aug 2013
Mobile game, mobile game technology, and business software development and
- Tech: C#, Java, Android, iOS
ABB Oy Drives, Helsinki, Finland
Trainee/Developer, May 2009 - Dec 2012
Software development and testing for Variable-Frequecy Drives (VFD) used in
industrial motor control applications.
- Developed a communication protocol for a new multiprocessor architecture
- Hardware and software design for several test automation systems
- Supported subcontracting of test automation software from India and various other countries
- Related products: ACS880, ACS580, ACSM1, ACS850, ACS800
Other Professional Activities
Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon, Online
Judge, ZEIT, April 2019
A hackathon exploring the possibilities of the Microsoft Graph Security
API. The prize pool was set to $ 15 000.
Positions of trust
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
- Student member of the University Collegium, 2014 - 2015
- Student member of Faculty Council, Faculty of Science, 2014 - 2015
Puotinkylän Valtti ry, Helsinki, Finland
A local sports society.
- Secretary, ICT, 2009 - 2011
- Board member, ICT, 2004 - 2008
Helsingin Kokoomuksen Nuoret HKN ry, Helsinki, Finland
A local association of the youth wing of the National Coalition Party.
- Vice chairman, 2013 - 2014
- Board member, 2012
Akavan opiskelijat, Finland
A group of delegates for student members in Akava.
- Regional contact person of Akavan opiskelijat, 2013
- Member of the regional executive team of Akava Uusimaa, 2013
- Member of Akava's Student Council AOVA, 2011
Helsingin Insinöörit HI ry, Helsinki, Finland
A local association of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (UIL).
- Board member, 2012
UIL, Koulutus- ja elinkeinopoliittinen valiokunta, Finland
A labour union's committee for education and industrial policy.
- Member, 2011 - 2012
Insinööriopiskelijaliitto IOL ry, Finland
The Finnish Union of Engineering Students.
- Board member, 2011
Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat UIO ry, Helsinki, Finland
Local association of the Finnish Union of Engineering Students in Metropolia.
- Board member, 2012
- Board member, ICT 2008 - 2010
Helsingin Insinöörioppilaat HIO ry, Helsinki, Finland
A local association of the Finnish Union of Engineering Students in Metropolia.
- Vice-chairman, 2009 - 2012
Puotinkylän Valtti ry, Helsinki, Finland
Local sports society. About 1500 registered players makes it one of the largest
football clubs in Finland.
- Secretary, Webmaster, 2009 - 2011
- Board member, Webmaster, 2004 - 2008
Telehpy, Espoo, Finland
Telehpy is a group for gay and lesbian students at Helsinki University of Technology.
- Secretary, 2009